Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Use of Corexit dispersants...

While we know that over 2 million gallons of oil spews from the Gulf of Mexico daily, what we don't hear about as frequently is the amount of Corexit dispersants used so far -- "more than 1.4 million gallons." ( )

The EPA director, Carol Browner, compares the use of Corexit to the use of Dawn to wash your dishes:

"If you have a oily pan and wash it, you squirt some Dawn in, right?... So in your kitchen sink, you have the oil starting to break up and you're seeing that biodegrading process right in front of you. That's what happens.

Sure thing pal.

Let's see what the Nalco has to say about it's dispersants Corexit® EC9527A and Corexit® EC9500A

Monday, June 21, 2010

Ecocide Awareness

Mainstream media continues to dilute the truth about BP's oil spill and has been doing a spledid job perpetuating PR that helps BP save face. Meanwhile life in the Gulf of Mexico is being obliterated. Dolphins are washing up on shore, pelicans are drowning in oil, 5 of 7 turtle species are in serious danger, and a sperm whale has been found dead in the Gulf.

It's time the mainstream media begins reporting the facts of the matter, as grim as they might be.

As this crisis continues it's becoming more and more obvious to more and more people that the Gulf of Mexico will be in serious disrepair for many generations to come and may never recover -- at least not in the span of a human lifetime.

It's time we begin calling the gusher in the Gulf exactly what it is -- ECOCIDE.

We're hand silkscreening tshirts to help raise money for cleanup efforts and to bring the seriousness of what has happening into everyone's consciousness.

We currently have these Pelican shirts on sale now for $15 -- email for details (also available at ):

We will have the our other graphics available here soon, but for now we've released the following "ecocide" graphics on Cafepress to help raise money and bring awareness to the dire seriousness of the crisis in the Gulf of Mexico:

Friday, June 18, 2010

The Gusher in the Gulf "contains about 40 percent methane, compared with about 5 percent found in typical oil deposits" which will likely contribute to even further environmental damage. Currently microbes and other organisms are hard at work breaking down the oil, but, at the same time, consume oxygen. "When oxygen levels drop low enough, the breakdown of oil grinds to a halt; and as it is depleted in the water, most life can't be sustained" creating major dead zones. There are reports of depletion of up to "30 percent in waters 1,000 feet deep" where usual depletion is found in shallow waters. ( )

Imagine, the entire Gulf of Mexico a dead zone. Way to go BP.

This is killing the Gulf of Mexico.

BP is guilty of ecocide.

BoycottBP Surfer

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Dead Sperm Whale Found...


"A dead sperm whale has been found floating 77 miles south of the massive oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico" and as usual they're "conducting tests to determine" if oil was the culprit -- as if there's any real doubt.

I seriously am getting sick and tired of the news. This is like watching a terrible accident in super slow motion. This oil spill is going to kill MASSIVE amounts of life and we get to witness for what will likely turn out to be the next few years.

This is ecocide.

Save the Whales before all we've got is a memory.

Get your "ECOCIDE in the Gulf..." Whale Stickers today --
Help support cleanup efforts in the Gulf!
(Click Here)

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Warning of "Mass Die-Off"; Ecocide.

Our worst fears are being confirmed.

While the mainstream media may be slow to report the true devastation forecast to come to the Gulf of Mexico and the states that surround it, we are finally hearing what we've long expected -- ecocide.

More and more reports are coming in of marine life crowding further and further in shore and this suggests that their own habitat is becoming toxic. They say that "crowding could result in mass die-offs as fish run out of oxygen."

Greenpeace has seen "dolphins by the dozen frolicking in the oily sheen and oil-tinged pelicans feeding their young." ( )

And further catastrophe awaits the people onshore in Florida:

..Emergency planning sources in Florida have informed [me] that the state faces severe fresh water shortages and power blackouts if the thick crude oil from the Deepwater Horizon disaster clogs sea water intakes at the largest seawater desalinization plant in the United States - the Tampa Bay Seawater Desalinization Plant at Apollo Beach.

The plant, which uses seawater reverse osmosis to turn seawater into 16 to 19 million gallons of drinking water daily for residents of the Tampa Bay area, faces the threat of filtration membranes becoming clogged if oil from the Gulf of Mexico enters its intake pipes. Such an event would render the plant unable to process seawater, resulting in a major fresh water shortage for Tampa Bay.

Similarly, oil clogging the water cooling intakes at the Crystal River Nuclear Power Plant on the Gulf of Mexico coast, some 80 miles north of Tampa, could force the shutdown of the Unit 3 pressurized water nuclear reactor. Such an event would result in power shutdowns in the Florida areas served by the power plant.


Surfers Boycott BP

Graphic available now -- get your today!

Get your "Surfers Boycott BP" buttons, stickers, and more today, but come back soon for hand screened art prints!

Remember, a portion of proceeds will be going to local efforts to cleanup BP's disaster.

Thanks for you support!

Monday, June 14, 2010

"Bathed in Petroleum" Tshirts, Stickers & More...

Well, we've rebranded the old BP logo.
The entire Gulf of Mexico has been "Bathed in Petroleum" -- Thanks BP.

Available now -- get yours today!!

Friday, June 11, 2010

BP Oil Spill Louisiana Graphics..

We've just created this new graphic to bring awareness to the catastrophe BP has created in the Gulf of Mexico.

Check back soon, more graphics to come... and hand screened prints should be available soon.

Reports are now that as much as 4 million gallons a day leak into the Gulf -- enough to make 4 TRILLION gallons of water toxic.

Remember the Gulf.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

RIP Gulf Fishing -- we'll miss you.

Well, we've put out a design for all of the fishermen out there who'll no longer get to enjoy one of their favorite past times in the Gulf -- Fishing.

Save the Gulf from Ecocide -- Save the Fish. Save our Beaches. Save our Seas.

Get your Ecocide in the Gulf -- RIP Gulf Fishing gear today!

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Ecocide in the Gulf -- Shirts & More...

Never forget BP's ecocide in the Gulf!

Ecocide -- Remember the Pelicans.

Save the dolphins.

We'll miss the Sea Turtles.

Soon we'll see dead Whales washing ashore...

Monday, June 7, 2010

I (pelican) L-OIL-siana.

We've put out these three new graphics on Cafepress today.
Click on an image to see and purchase our products today... a portion of the proceed will go to the ongoing oil spill cleanup efforts.

.. and remember, keep checking back as we'll soon be releasing our hand-screened Ecocide in the Gulf prints before long.
Save the Gulf from Ecocide.